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When Life Lifts The Rug From Under You;Create A New Rug

I'll like to start off that these are my opinions, take what you need and leave the rest.

Sometimes you don't know how exactly what you're wishing for will come to you. Your body shows you the signs of a disconnect before life truly shows you the new path that's coming to you.

You may feel sluggish and drained, wanting to curse out every bit of anyone and everyone in your corner. These are just the telltale signs that where you currently are; isn't where you'll always be. It's like your body and spirit hold a funeral. You go through the stages of grief before the breakthrough or the breakdown.

I see breakdowns as the farce you've been holding up so for long; finally letting itself be destroyed. You can't hide anymore when you're a sobbing mess in front of your boss. You can't hide any longer when you can't make a straight face in front of your children, your friends, etc. Society has demonized feeling how you may feel and want you to replace it with compliance to "this is just how life is". Compliance usually is fed by numbing ourselves through activities that don't solve the issue of living the life you hate. Compliance items, activities, etc; make a lot of money in the long run based on how unhappy you are with your current life. I remember I spent the most money during my biggest depressive moments in life as I couldn't find any happiness within me; I sought to see it outside of myself always.

If you aren't happy with your current situation, people, items, and yourself will show it. You may be into escapism; be it video games, drugs, alcohol, and even people. You run from the issues that present themselves. Maybe you have no morning routine that fulfills you so so you fill it up with sleep, drinking, waking and baking, , whatever is your dedicated "escape". Once the activity is over; you still feel just as empty as before. Your cup is not being refilled. Your cup is gaining more cracks and one day; it breaks, due to your escapism tactics. You'll know when it's been broken the moment your health declines, questions are being asked of you that you cannot answer in truth due to your own inner shame, and you can't even give yourself an excuse. It is at this time; the rug pulls itself from you and you fall right on your ass.

You come to a decision for yourself and only you; is this the life I want?

The moment you say no; you are about to lose things that connect you to the life that pisses your soul off. You are about to lose friends, employment, mindsets, habits, any and everything that is keeping you at rock bottom. You can either sit screaming and crying about it or have complete utter acceptance that those people, places, and things have overstayed their welcome. You have overstayed your own goodbye. Think of a moment right now where you literally felt the spirit of "I need to put my two weeks in" and you ignored it. Day by day; drainage. You have overstayed. The moment that spirit barked; is the moment you take action and say what you want to replace it with. You show the new life how you're coming to it; you start applying to jobs, marketing your skills, and networking to hell and back. You don't commit yourself to victimhood; that's how you stay in the hole; nobody is going to save you but yourself. You'll get help; because your mindset is in the seat of "I am going to live this

The bright side is; that's your rock bottom moment. You can't dig no further. You can only stand up and get out of the hole. You can build your ladder.

What building your ladder and getting out of the hole may look like:

If your morning routine isn't supplying you with energy; list what you're doing now.

Then list what you actually enjoy and what could add energy to your morning.


What I do in this life that's not fulfilling me

  1. Scroll on my phone when I wake up

  2. Rushing to meal prep an hour before work

  3. Picking out clothes for work an hour before

What I can do in my life to fulfill me (Note; this is actually what I do now. I work at a school, and your list will be tailored for your life. )

  1. Mala bead affirmations/mantra in the morning at work or before work

  2. Meal prep on Sunday for 3-4 days' worth of lunches

  3. Plan outfits the day before or a few outfits. Same hoodie 2x max.

Then you must commit to these new routines; you'll be tested with options that lead you back to the routine you know doesn't work for you. Push through.

After putting in place new routines; my mood improved before and after work. I have more energy to create a blog post during my lunch break. I am less snippy in the afternoons. My the morning now I can sleep in a bit longer, I don't have to stress about the clock. You have to make your routine, and habits work FOR you vs against you. If you're a gamer and you haven't been gaming lately; add it to your routine and give yourself some fun time. If you're a dancer; spend some time dancing again. If you need to ground your mind and body; try an activity that involves movement or stillness.

Bottom line: When life gets you to the breaking point, you must change something in your routine or continue the loop you don't enjoy. Connect to yourself and activities that can grow you vs the same ones that aren't making you happy currently. Just because it's comfortable doesn't mean it's the best option.


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