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What To Do When You Keep Getting Distracted: Focus Anyway.

I remember being a small kiddo attempting to read a book in my noisy 4th grade class. The kids were so discombobulated, overstimulated and downright nasty attitudes. I remember being the kid who just wanted to learn about what we were being taught. I also remember this was the time they introduced the read and eat pizza kind of days.

So, imagine you're a young girl, skinny, no chest, no confidence in herself about how she looked or felt in her skin. Bullied daily because of her skin condition; eczema. Being called burnt neck every damn day by a boy who could barely count. Being called ugly, tom boy and all kinds of hateful words; but you choose to be peaceful. Whenever you did get loud or fight back life robbed you immediately. So, in the chaos I called a classroom; I shut myself off to everyone and I escaped into books.

Books were my home. Sitting in the classroom as everyone yelled, screamed and drove the teach insane; I opened up my book: Gregor The Overlander Curse Of The Warmbloods by Suzanne Collins.(Please for the love of everything do not make this series a movie. I will cry if it's not done correctly) The 3rd book in the series mind you because it was the first book that got me truly into absorbing books like water. I didn't mind spoilers because I didn't realize until much later this book was the 3rd one and I loved every bit of it. I loved having to backtrack to figure out how and who was who. I loved Luxa the princess above all. But enough of my trailing off.

How do you focus when you're being distracted? You let yourself wander and you come back to center. You let your mind release all the thoughts before you begin to focus truly on your task. My task today for example was to write another blog post.

My distractions however today are:

  1. I quit my job by not showing up. They underpaid me and expect me to stay? No, I refuse. I rather set up a patreon for risque art and self expression that will pay my bills in 2 days vs work for 2 weeks for pennies.

  2. I have looming bills and responsibilities despite the faith I have in my Gods. I am extremely heart led and have being obedient to my ancestors.

  3. I have men who want to talk to me but not fund my stability or invest in me because "You have to have physical proof."

  4. I want to return to the 3rd point here; if you are reading this you are a femme,they,women etc. you already worthy of being invested into. You breathing is the best sign that you are worthy of investment. You being sought after is the all the damn proof a man ever needs. Men are not unintelligent ; they are just slow.

  5. I keep thinking of how these Hurricanes are going and destroying so much. But they are also revealing the truth of this world.

  6. I have laundry in my house that needs to be folded but I am an artist and I need to make art to make money but I can't do that if my laundry isn't folded.

  7. I am a taurus; I work hard, play hard, rest hard, and cry very hard.

If you can relate to any of these points in this world that is literally infighting with who is the best dressed, who is the king or queen. I need you to know; that you're more than enough to keep focusing on your life. You can only change this world by changing YOUR reality and your life. You cannot save everyone; trust me I have tried.

But you can save yourself. You can focus on one task a day. One thing a day. Just one is more than enough.

I am an artist, writer, poet, and all kinds of titles. In a world where people have lost touch with their emotions, have been forced to work like robots and people keep wondering why the children cannot focus: you have them in front of a screen all day. Of course they can't fathom sitting still for 5 minutes.

Knowledge is power but patience is a virtue. Reparent yourself today to actually read to comprehend instead of reading to respond. The way I write my blog is like a journey, you get some imagery, you get some information and then I lead you back to the point.

Simple put how you can focus even with distractions in your life:

  1. Focus on you. What do you need today and can actually do?

  2. Focus on the solution vs the problem. Example: My problem is being in places that undervalue me and drain me of my artist spirit. The solution: Put my full ass into my art business and/or keep applying for WFH jobs. Currently I am looking into tutoring and date entry.

  3. Brain dump before you focus; allow your brain to just spill on the pages of your laptop, your journal, whatever you can get your hands on. It's rough out in the economy right now and the dollar store is still accessible. The libraries are still open; there is no excuse to not brain dump for your own good.

  4. Love you in this moment, the moment where you have admitted you cannot focus because you're reading my blog. Pat yourself on the back! You have taken a step and I have too by writing for you and I!

You're not a robot. Get some sunlight and seriously be kind to yourself today.

You may not be promised tomorrow; but you can be easier on yourself today.

I love you, as much as you love yourself.

Hold on for one more day; just one day is all it takes to change your life.

Like Glorilla said " That's why I love tomorrow"

Here's a picture of me being adorable in the past. I hope I made you smile.


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