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Having Gratitude Bout It

When is the last time you were thankful for anything you had?

Oh, yes here come the eye rolls but I would love for you to sit for yourself and read what I'll type.

Even being thankful the smallest thing you may have in your pocket like your keys, a coin or even your pocket lint. Yes, I said your pocket lint. I live currently in a society where everything seems to be ran on what you have but at the same time items are still not cherished as they once were before. You receive items but there's a lack of teaching to appreciate what we have anymore.Grandma sweaters are now a fashion statement for holiday parties instead of the symbolism of how grandma poured hours of labor willingly into a sweater. Washing the dishes has always been a chore many do not want nor appreciate. Yet they are a symbol of something; you've eaten at some point.

For the past few months I have been experimenting with intentional gratitude statements and how to be thankful for things I absolutely didn't like. I absolutely despise doing the dishes. So, when I encounter them now I approach it with the attitude of: If I wash these dishes; I get to be ready to cook more delicious meals. As I love to cook; I cook pretty good for myself and friends. I just hate the dishes so; when I have to do it and I have avoided the dishes for more than two days I convince myself it's time to do them because I love to cook. The hobbies, skills and joys you have in this world have an ugly side to them at times.

If you're a painter like me; you know it can get very messy. You create art at the expense of oil, plastic,trees,animals, and plant fibers at stake via your tools of trade. Unless you're an artist who makes all of their materials handmade you are probably dabbling in a cycle that isn't as pleasant behind the scenes. Artists consume and create a lot of waste honestly; but we have the need to create anyway. Always we see the art and rarely we just don't look to see the ugly side of it all. My current belief is to be grateful for all the materials,people, and places that have allowed you to even start creating; it's a beautiful thing. None of them had to do their job, they chose to at some point. Circling back to my point; being thankful for the mess can change your attitude about why the mess exists.

See if you can see the pattern when it comes to some of the common complaints I hear that deal with the home:

Dishes= Food; enjoy that you had something to eat. Call a friend; wash the dishes while on the phone it'll make it less of a ick kind of task.

Dirty Room= Lived in Room; begin to make your bed with your favorite music and get into a cleaning frenzy if you want!

Tiny finger prints= children exploring their world; help them seek it and help clean the finger prints up.

Messed up blinds from pets= A curious cat who seeks the outside: open the blinds for em!

  1. Make your own list of things that make you angry or give you an obstacle in your life.

  2. Give them a new story that helps you vs drains you.

  3. Ask yourself if it's fixable at all in the next week or months.

  4. If it's fixable; it's probably something you can give a new story to so you can feel better about doing the task,facing the problem or just being able to enjoy life's while encountering it's daily messes.

Thank you for reading my blog about all the things I want to type about.

I am grateful for anyone who reads my blog because you clicked it and were able to get something out of my thoughts.

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